Topic: Facebook Group

English Alexithymia Forum > Personal Experience

Facebook Group
29.10.2015 by maccheese

Anyone interested in being a part of an fb group. I don't mind starting it. Would love to chat with you all regularly.

Re: Facebook group
29.10.2015 by Artfunkel

As much as I'd like to talk to everyone here more, I don't want to link this aspect of my life directly to my public, real-world identity.

Not because I'm embarrassed; I actually think being alexithymic is pretty cool, and I've done very, very well out of it. I'm concerned because with so few people having ever heard of it, I believe that many would jump to conclusions about it being an illness.

I'm also a bit worried by the amount of online literature about Alexithymia that goes into detail about the traumatic ways that the "state" form is acquired. I don't want my friends thinking I was abused as a child, or am autistic, or am suffering from depression or PTSD! I was just born this way. :-)

It would be nice to see some more awareness among the public, especially given some researcher's estimates of up to 10% of the population being at least somewhat alexithymic. Once I could see that people had the right idea about alexithymia I'd feel (har) much more comfortable mentioning it to a wider group than just my close family.

I found the page....
06.11.2015 by DXS

I found the page on FB. I'm uncertain as to whether I want to post, but I may find a way to do it privately.

Out of facebook
17.01.2016 by Happy13

If i understand you would like to have a place where we could share more directly if so to avoid exposing it i think using Line app we could make a group and talk to each other.
I only use it on my phone and don't know about the PC version but it might be intresting to have this if some people want to talk :)

Is it more private if it's a "closed" group?
17.01.2016 by DXS

I think you can make a group "closed" but that involves having an Admin that "approves" people to be on the group and then if they cause issues you have to kick them out.....

I think it would be better if it was a closed group, but the closed group would be a pain.

17.01.2016 by FermiParadox

I spend a lot of time on FB. I would participate in a "closed group". I would not mind people on my friends list to see I joined an Alexithymia group, but I would definitely NOT participate if the group was public (as it would show up on everyone's timelines.)

FB group
01.02.2016 by AndrewT

I would be very interested in an FB group for discussion.

Did one get created?

Found a closed group, TWO OF THEM
08.02.2016 by DXS

I found TWO closed groups. I may join one of them.

existing FB groups
08.02.2016 by FermiParadox

I found 2 as well. One appears to be some sort of group where you just post music you like (no thanks,) the other I applied to join over a month ago have not been approved. So idk if its either not active or I seem suspect in some way, lol. *shrugs*

I got in.....
08.02.2016 by DXS

The one I said "nope" to was for the same reason as you, Fermi.

I also found that people actually had Alexithymia as a first name.

I asked to joint he OTHER group last night and got right in. Try again!

Joined wrong group, other one not too hot either
08.02.2016 by DXS

Turns out the one I joined WAS the one where all people did was upload music videos.

Don't join the OTHER one, it's leader was someone in their 20's and all the members were very young. I think for that group, someone just "borrowed" the name cuz it sounded "cool" and the group has nothing to do with Alexithymia.

But I could be wrong.....

Left the Facebook group
14.02.2016 by DXS

One of the two groups, well, not what I thought. The other one, all they did was upload music videos. Although a couple people posted about Alexithymia, no one seemed interested in talking about it.

I think someone just thought that Alexithymia was a "cool word" and named their group that way.

A private group.
24.03.2016 by Hippy

A private group is one better that closed I believe, still needs administration though.

13.04.2016 by slushhhhy

if there is an option to make it completely private, even though admins are needed, why not just do that? i think there's another topic suggesting making a kik group or something like that too.

i guess it depends on different people. i'm happy to join any group on any platform, as long as it's private.
