"Alexithymia: A general deficit of interoception" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309527227_Alexithymia_A_general_deficit_of_interoception. Yes, part of alexithymia is an interruption of interception. This meaning hunger, thirst, the desire to excrete, sexual urges, the general feeling of internal temperature and more can all be muted. I personally find that I often do not eat or drink enough because I simply feel no need. The size of my bladder is the only thing that changed since I used to pee myself as a not so young child. I'm also methodical in remembering when to poop. TMI maybe, I hope it helps.
22.06.2020 by User25660N61
I always as a younger person thought of food as just energy. Just a thing to do because i have to keep my body in good condition. It was always logical. Like, I need protein, veggies, and fruit. That was all I thought. I didnt eat for pleasure. For 2 years a while back I became addicted to Pork Ramen Noodles though. I dont know if this is relevant. I would eat nothing but pork noodles. It was the only thing that tastes so good and that didnt make me nauseas while eating or thinking about. It was literally insane. I dont know why?